Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Death Clock

Run ..... run ....... run .... but how far can you run? The more we run the more we become exhausted and end our vital energy resources. But can our run, stop us from dying?  

Most people dont understand the reality that the more we run the more closer we are to the much dreaded and inevitable DEATH. The reality is we are born to die but in our span of life we should achieve something so that we close our eyes peacefully and go for a honeymoon kissing and beholding it in our arms to some world unknown to us in some multidimensional age andtime.

We are also into the belief that the moment our heart starts beating our death timer also begins but i believe its not true. Death is always ahead of us and there is a wide gap between life and death. Death controls its pace and we control the pace of life. The trouble arises only when we increase our pace under the impression that Death follows us which in reality is far ahead of us and end up closing the gap given between death and life and eventually meet Death.

Death is a phenomenon which neither the US President nor the Worlds Most Powerful Persons can evade. Death doesnt believe in name, caste, creed, colour ,sex, species. It treats everybody uniformly. Have you ever wondered why many plants and many more species live longer than we do, the technically advanced human beings? Being the rulers of this planet we still have no elixir nor will we have in the forthcoming years. 

Our ancestors who were technically backward compared to the current generation had a longetivity period less than us it was mainly because of the frequent wars fought between kingdoms. If there werent any such wars then i can bet a 1000 pounds that they could have lived much more longer than us only because they never cared for death. They were ready to kiss it and lived their life king size even though most of them were peasants. 

When we talk to people everybody is interested to go to heaven but nobody is ready to die..... How is it possible to reach heaven without dying? Death acts only like a bridge to take us from this world to our dreamworld, the Heaven and our God is only helping us reach there to fulfill our dreams of meeting the angels there and we homo sapiens should not be worried about the world there . We are not meant to dance on others tunes but make others  dance to our tunes. I am sure we can make heaven dance to our tunes and make it similar to the world which we live in.....And who knows what God has for us in his store ? So chill , relax, smoke, drink beer, cherish each and every moment of life and live as if you are living for the last day and most importantly kiss Death if you ever come across it. And I am sure if u wanna kiss it, it wont even dare to come to you early as it would know that it has to handle a bold and corageous person unlike the one who is all the time afraid of DEATH. 

This is how we can compell DEATH to revamp its policies towards human beings. Let the clock of DEATH keep on ticking and we will keep on changing............


Blogger kunal said...

a blog a day keep frens away.. kidding bey.. good hai.. keep bloging

November 26, 2008 at 10:52 PM  
Blogger Parshant Khetarpal said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

November 27, 2008 at 6:04 AM  
Blogger Parshant Khetarpal said...

I accept the fact that death doesn't wait for anyone even it is president of U.S or some poor person who cannot fulfiil his daily needs.
Actually, its not about the question of longer life, it is more about the quality of life.

Everyone has to do struggle in his/her life and may have gone through some serious depressions.
But the one who controls himself and lead his life by controlling the emotions and look forward to live the life not by changing others but by changing himself would live happy life and people will gadually start recognising the quality person

November 27, 2008 at 6:19 AM  

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